Building a Caring Culture: Addressing Mental Health in the Workplace- 5/2022
Historically, mental health has been a taboo topic in many workplaces. However, mental health is an invisible crisis in the workplace. Before the pandemic, workplaces and workforces in various industries struggled with mental health. The pandemic compounded the stress and uncertainties on workers and their families. Mental health and wellbeing are now top of mind for a majority of corporate leaders.
You Found a Referral Partner, Now What? Best practices for working with a COI- 4/2022
Have you met a great business referral partner but don’t know what to do next? This session will feature panelists who will discuss the best practices for developing and maintaining COI relationships and creating lasting business partnerships.
Successfully Build Your Personal Brand to Create a Network and Win New Clients- 4/2022
An interactive panel discussion around branding, both in business and personal, that focuses on how a personal insurance Private Client Professional can build their own brand based on their interests and passions to develop a network, and ultimately win new clients.
Got Talent? How to Gain and Retain your Next Gen- 3/2022
A moderated panel discussion to inspire growing your team’s pipeline.
The panel includes: Linsey Fagan/Indeed – Recruiting, Adam Russell/MMA & Ex-White Sox pitcher – Career Transition, Stephanie Payrits/Vault – Kris Lundgren/Marsh – Career Transition
Advancing Your Career Virtually- 10/2020
Please join us for a three-part career development session where we will review the various industry-related designations available to you; speak with insurance veterans who will share innovative ideas and networking opportunities they have leveraged over the last several months -- or throughout their careers; and lastly, you’ll learn high-level presentation skills to transform the way you relate to your peers, managers, clients, and centers of influence.
Planning for the Workforce of the Future- 11/2021
The workforce of the future is being shaped by our environment, the workers themselves and the needs of our industry. Remote work locations are more prevalent than ever, workers have different expectations of their employers and necessary skills are changing. Through open dialogue, this session will discuss the challenges faced by employers today, candidates' needs and wants, and recruiting and retaining top talent.
Trends in Recruiting and Retaining the Right Talent - 2/2017
This webinar will focus on “Trends in Recruiting, Attracting and Retaining the Right Talent”. Whether you are a business owner, manager, team leader, mentor or peer you will want to attend this month’s talent session. In this session, we will discuss the trends in recruiting on a macro basis, in the insurance industry and more specifically some of the challenges in the Private Client arena. We will also discuss important strategies for attracting and retaining the best talent. Given the shallow talent pool we face in our industry it is incumbent upon all of us to commit to participating in recruiting, attracting and retaining the right talent.