DEI Committees
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task Force have identified the following committees to help lead the mission forward. If you are interested in learning more about a specific committee or want to join a committee, please email
Talent Recruitment and Onboarding - This committee will focus on recruiting diverse colleagues to join our industry as well as developing onboarding and support resources to increase retention of diverse colleagues. Ultimately we would like to create a pipeline of diversity that encourages attraction and commitment to the HNW industry and spurs upward movement of colleagues throughout their career.
Awareness and Education - We know that DEI will be an ongoing battle that we all will have to be vigilant about. This committee will develop periodic learning sessions and discussions to look at diversity from a variety of different lenses (Black, Asian, Hispanic, Differently-Abled, LGBTQ, allyship, etc.) and how that impacts us as colleagues, our careers, who is prospected for positions, who is prospected as clients, how prospects are underwritten, etc.
Mentoring Future Leaders – This committee will focus on identifying and cultivating present and future leaders regardless of their current career positions. The attention will focus not only on early-career colleagues but also those that have aspirations for lateral or upward career moves. Mentor pairings is one method that is being considered to provide necessary skills and support to design fulfilling career paths.
Marketing to Diverse Communities - Often in marketing material created by the carriers and brokers, there is very little diversity from a photographic or culture-sensitive perspective. This committee will focus on working with the carriers, brokers, and other supporting partners to keep representation top of mind. This committee is also considering how we as an industry can assist in attracting diverse colleagues to the industry as well as supporting diverse independent agencies that have high net worth contracts.
Measurement and Engagement – It’s easy for us to declare DEI an initiative but how do we know when we – PRMA, the carriers, the brokers are actually making progress. This committee will be focused on quantifying the results of the work that we are all collectively doing.
Scholarship – PRMA has made an ongoing value and financial commitment to the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Task Force and a portion of these funds will support a scholarship program. This committee will develop scholarship objectives and guidelines and administer the scholarship application and distribution process.