Event Calendar

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Autonomous Wildfire Defense Systems with Embers Protection Services (EPS) presented by the Rocky Mountain Chapter (virtual)

Start Date: 6/12/2024 1:00 PM MST
End Date: 6/12/2024 2:00 PM MST

Organization Name: Private Risk Management Association

Chris Goyette
Email: chris.goyette@privateriskmanagement.org
Phone: (888) 317-7762

Please join the Rocky Mountain chapter and guest speaker  Chris McDonald, CEO of Embers Protection Services (EPS), for a discussion about
autonomous wildfire defense systems to protect homes or businesses from airborne embers or encroaching fires.  

Embers Protection Services (EPS) is dedicated to helping homeowners defend their property and protect their assets from wildfires. It focuses on long-term solutions, including vegetation management, home hardening, and installing an effective automated exterior fire protection system.  Our approach is to layer the protection to significantly reduce the risk of a property being damaged by wildfire or airborne embers.  The EPS automated wildfire defense system and smart technology are unparalleled in our industry.  Our wildfire defense systems provide autonomous activation, structure and perimeter defense, window heat protection, 24-hour wildfire mapping/monitoring, automated fire alerts, constant water pressure, and backup power.  In many cases, utilizing our services can get a client a better rate on insurance or even receive insurance when otherwise denied.

EPS services include:
Wildfire risk assessments
Defensible space maintenance
Structure hardening
Window heat protection
Ember resistant vents
Leaf gutter guards
Standby generators
Wildfire defense systems
Ongoing EPS team support
Fire response team (Defender Program)

We hope you can join us! 

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 6/12/2024 12:00 PM

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